‘The Great Australian Shiraz Challenge has become Australia’s most preeminent, prestigious and valuable single class wine competition and in 2019, celebrates its 25th Anniversary …
The Challenge is a unique opportunity for Australia’s premier red winemakers to showcase their Shiraz, benchmark winemaking and regional points of differences and assist with reinforcing the reputation of the variety as a national and international wine icon.
The 2019 Challenge continues the spectacular evolution of the event over the last 25 years; wines entered are classed and tasted based on climate and regional points of difference, this ensures all entries are judged fairly and objectively. In 2016, individual state based trophy’s and the best Shiraz over 5 years old were introduced, further enhancing the appeal of the event’.
“I commend the Saint Martin, 2019 Great Australian Shiraz Challenge 25th Anniversary, to you as one of Australia’s most prestigious and highly respected wine awards. The event has also played an important role in creating considerable consumer awareness in this iconic Australian grape variety. I encourage you to take up the challenge and enter one or more of your Shiraz in this year’s event.”
– Alister Purbrick
Chairman, Great Australian Shiraz Challenge